Balding is a procedure with which mainly men should face! At a very small degree women can also suffer from balding but in their case it is not so visible and playing with their hair style they can easily cover it.
In medical terms balding can be natural - inherited characteristic- or some other harmful effect of something, maybe malfunctions of different organs in the body.
To find out the exact cause it requires a medical check.
Unfortunaetly the situation is not that simple all the time.
Balding can be caused by e.g. the overproductivity of the sebaceus gland – and if we regulate the production of the gland balding will turn back.
So when we experience some sort of balding we should not think of it as a natural pheomenon of aging but make an appointment with a hair specialist and have ourselves checked. No time was more favourable than today! Because of the develeopment of technology we have such kind of tools like the microcamera used by me. Without it the reasons of balding is almost impossible.
Let me show some pictures to you
In order to understand why the hair becoms broken or damaged we should understand how th hair is built up. The image shows you a hair under the microscope.
The hair has a flexible spirallic cortex maerial. This is responsible for the flexibility so technically speaking it is like a spring.
Dandruff is a problem for everyone of us! Simply speaking dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp – a process which ends up with the revival of the new skin.
It happens normally, in case of a healthy skin.
As the epidermal layer continually replaces itself, cells are pushed outward where they eventually die and flake off. For most individuals, these flakes of skin are too small to be visible.
However, certain conditions cause cell turnover to be unusually rapid, especially in the scalp.But when some infection gets into our body or we suffer from some illnesses, processes going on in our skin can change.
1. Scalp shedding
Small, thin cells of skin fall out which is NOT the result of any infection.
2. dry dandruff
Bigger, thicker, grey skin cells falling out which can be caused by some fungus. Fungus lives in the skin between the follicles and severs the skin cells above itself in bigger pieces.
3. Greasy dandruff
Not the skin cells fall out of the sclap but -due to some bacteria and fungus infection in the follicles and in the sebaceous glands- the hair itself will come offl. The symptoms are itchy scalp and falling hair. If we scratch our scalp because of the itchiness we can see yellowish oily clumps under our fingernails. It is full of bacteria! The infection still remains after the hair falls out. This time only the cebaseour gland is involved and pimples will appear on the skin and scalp.
In this picture you can see the structure of the scalp (but it does not show the acid layer under the epidermis).
It has water based ingredients (produced by sweat glands) greasy ingredients (produced by sebaceous glands) and a special molecue, called tenzid, is also can be found in this layer. This layer can absorb the water based and also the greasy ingredients. Thus this protective layer becomes a special unit which can be found everywhere on the surface of the body including the surface of body-, and scalp hair. This protective layer serves as a home for many important bacteria.
We can speak about hair loss when loosing hair goes beyond a certain point when the regrowth of hair cannot follow its pace.
There are periods of time in our life when we notice that we loose a hair while taking a shower or combing our hair. It can be natural. But sometimes we notice that we lost more hair than usual. We can see more hair in the hairbrush or in the tub. Than we get a little bit worried about it and we suspect that we are the next victim of hair loss.
These periods go by -naturally it happens quite a few times in our life- we will fell OK again and the initial fear disappears and we will not even remember it after a couple of weeks.
Loosing our hair, go bald can be a thought filled with scare! Men relatively can cope with this kind of changes easily but in case of women hair loss can be followed by other types of psychological trauma.
So, do not just wait and sit around and hope the best!
We can speak about hair thinning when the number of hairs per square centimetre significantly decreases. Thick hair will get thinner and thinner in time and the scalp will become visible.
Hair thinning always caused by hair loss which can be caused by different reasons on different spots with diffenert intensity.
Greasy hair is directly related to the overproduction of sebum, a waxy type of substance naturally occurring in the body which is designed to keep hair supple, soft and waterproof. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. The hairy scalp is fully covered with grease and the follicles are obstructed by wax clumps of bacteria colonies.
In the follicle the secretion of the sebaceous gland gathers then surrounds the hair and - without a treatment- it kills the hair.
You might suffer from some problem with your hair such as hair loss, thinning hair, retracted hairline, balding, dry or greasy hair, and hair with no natural shine. Also you might experience itchy scalp, oily or pimply skin. Well, the solution is not far from you!